Session USA

S-WAX - Chain Lube - All Seasons - SESSION

Sale price Price $17.00 Regular price Unit price  per 



S-wax is our revolutionary Dry Lube, it's a high concentration wax compound and has up to 3x times more wax and lubricating agents than major brands in the market.

S-WAX has no water added to it's formula, it is biodegradable and has a high thermal stability. 

Our product keeps your gears and drivetrain always clean and sliding better and smoother than any other Lube.

This awesome product contains Carnauba Wax ! 

Here are a few features :

- Biodegradable

- Easy to clean

- Penetrates and lubricates, reducing wear, friction and corrosion

- Expansive feature, reducing noises and vibrations

- One aplication last up to 10 rides, using only a dry cloth for cleaning

- 1 fl. oz of S-WAX lasts up to 500 miles on tough off-road rides, or up to 1250 miles on road rides.

- Non corrosive

- No water added (doesn't freeze in low temperatures)

- Eco friendly

-  Humidity Proof

- Up to 300% more wax compound and lubricating agents than major brands




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